Let’s Begin

It all begins with an idea. It began when we couldn’t stare at the inside of our home anymore like what most people experienced in the Summer of 2020. COVID-19 was the birth of many ideas. We just wanted to take a vacation from being stuck at home. Chris and I rented an RV through RV Share and that was it. We were hooked.

Within two week of being back in Austin, we started looking for an RV of our own. However, we weren’t just going to get a once a month kind of RV. We wanted a new lifestyle. We’re kind of extreme like that. We wanted to move out of our comfy and spacious home in South Austin into a fifth wheel just over 400 square feet. We’re nuts. We know.

By the end of 2020 we were fully moved into our RV, and let go of the home we loved for almost 7 years. Beginning in December 2020 we started off with us just getting used to our new full time RV lifestyle. We traveled to visit my family in Kilgore, TX for Christmas and the New Year then we moved to the Hill Country in Kerrville for all of January. That’s where we really got comfortable. We truly loved Buckhorn Lake Resort in Kerrville. There people staying at this resort really knew how to live. They held many social gatherings, the best being the $1 margarita social. It was hard to leave such a beautiful and hospitable RV park.

February through April 2021 we moved to Boerne, TX to be near Chris’ parents. Boerne offered a beautiful place to be near family and get ready for our RV adventure that would begin in May. May through September we had planned a trip like we have never taken before. The Summer of 2021 took us to Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Colorado again, New Mexico and finally back home to Texas by the last week of September. It was truly unforgettable.

While in Montana, we started kicking around the idea of purchasing a small RV to start renting out. After looking through countless of RV dealerships on the road, we decided two would be even better! We contacted a dealer in Texas and promptly bought the two RVs on this website. I flew back to Texas to sign the documents and Chris’ sister, Nicole with her husband Mike agreed to help us manage them while we are traveling. Thus the beginning of My Gypsy Days. Stay tuned for journal entries covering updates to My Gypsy Days, campground reviews and our 2022 travels.

Thank you for visiting our website, and please let me know if you would like to rent one of our RVs!



OBX, New Orleans, Destin and Tampa Bay